mode transport planning were appointed by National Grid to prepare a transport assessment and refresh the existing site travel plan in support of a new 450 space car park at their campus in Warwick.

The assessment utilised Warwickshire County Council’s strategic traffic model to demonstrate a minimal impact on the surrounding highway network.

mode’s work included undertaking the following assessment:

  • site wider review of current and future parking requirement;
  • implementation of parking restrictions on Gallows Hill;
  • census and postcode review of all employee origin and destinations;
  • review of National Grids paid for bus service;
  • preparation of a transport assessment; and
  • refresh of staff company travel plan.

The planning application was submitted in order to consolidate National Grids current parking arrangements, to resolve existing on street parking issues on the local highway network as well as to deliver one of Europe’s largest living walls!

The application was approved by Warwick Districts Planning Committee on 10th June 2014.

Image courtesy of one world design

project summary

Client: National Grid
Location: Warwickshire
Office: Birmingham
Status: Approved