mode transport planning is pleased to announce that it has again made it into the Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation ‘Transportation Consultants’ Directory 2021′ ranked this year at 30th position overall for transport planning in the UK, ranked on turnover; this maintains mode’s standing within the transport planning sector and  reflects our overall strategy for UK growth, as well as the quality of work we are currently undertaking.

The Transportation Consultants’ Directory is the only source of information devoted exclusively to transportation specialists in the UK and provides rankings of nearly 150 of the most prominent transport planning practices in the UK, measured by the number of employees as well as turnover.

Managing Director, David Frisby, said “We are utterly delighted by our continued recognition within the Industry led “Consultants’ Directory”; despite the difficult trading conditions that COVID has presented to the UK economy, maintaining our standing within the industry is a testament to the strength of our professional advice and the fantastic commitment demonstrated by mode’s staff!”

Published annually since the nineteen nineties the directory provides an insight into the previous year and provides a general overview and optimism for industry growth over the coming 12 months.