Northampton College have approached mode to help prepare a planning application for a new Further Eduction College at their Daventry campus. The proposed scheme involved the redevelopment of the existing outdated college building to provide a new, modern college facility which will accommodate an additional 200 students resulting in an overall capacity of 500 students.

The project seeked to centralise opportunities for further education within Daventry and to address the outflow of students to other areas by improving the local education provision.

mode prepared the supporting transport assessment, which included detailed traffic generation and distribution analysis by mode of transport that was demonstrated using GIS techniques. The scheme was also supported by a comprehensive travel plan that aimed to respond to the need to reduce reliance on the private car.

Daventry District Council members unanimously granted planning permission to Northampton College on Wednesday 2nd September 2015.

Image courtesy of Pick Everard

project summary

Client: Northampton College
Location: Northamptonshire
Office: Birmimgham
Status: Approved