mode transport planning were appointed to undertake the role of Highways Development Manager in the Transport Strategy Team at Luton Borough Council. This was initially to be for a period of six months but has subsequently been extended.

The role has recently taken on responsibility for promoting SuDS in Luton’s responsibility as the Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA).

The role includes the following key tasks:

  • the provision of highway and transport advice on all planning applications;
  • attendance at the Development Control Committee;
  • liaison with developers on transport statements, assessments and travel Plans; and
  • working with council colleagues in planning and other council departments to ensure better integration.

The role has recently taken on responsibility for promoting SuDS in Luton’s responsibility as the Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA).

A number of major planning applications have been processed over the past 18 months including a significant expansion of Luton Airport. mode was involved in detailed and lengthy discussions with the applicants on the highway and transport implications leading to the granting of planning consent and associated mitigation measures.

project summary

Client: Luton Borough Council
Location: Luton
Status: Ongoing