mode transport planning were appointed by David Wilson Homes and Breedon Aggregates. The commission was in order to provide transport planning advice and detailed highways assessment in support of a planning application for 460 new residential units at the former Doseley Works, Telford in Staffordshire.

The transport assessment included a detailed access strategy and assessment, whilst the travel plan seeks to reduce car movements to and from the site, including:

  • detailed access strategy;
  • array of traffic distributions;
  • junction capacity assessment;
  • legal discussions on rights of access;
  • pedestrian and cycle review;
  • traffic calming along Frame Lane;
  • ongoing discussions with Staffordshire County Council highways officers;
  • transport assessment;
  • travel plan; and
  • reserved matters application(s).

The online planning application was awarded consent during 2013.

Image courtesy of Townscape Solutions

project summary

Client: David Wilson Homes
Location: Staffordshire
Office: Birmimgham
Status: Approved