Bicester Motion, Oxfordshire

Initially, mode transport planning was appointed by Bicester Motion to provide transport planning services relating to a phased set of planning applications at a former RAF site in Bicester, Oxfordshire. As a result of the scheme, the sites are collectively known as Bicester Motion. Our team provided extensive experience in the leisure, employment, and residential sectors, providing a well-rounded understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in the context of this scheme.

The site

Bicester Motion is the first resort where visitors can fully immerse in our automotive culture’s depth and breadth. Additionally, it is a unique 444-acre automotive resort that offers leisure, culture and tourism experiences within one magnificent destination through future electric and autonomous technology. mode’s worked hand in hand with Bicester Motion to provide insight across the site.

To clarify, the overall Bicester Motion masterplan includes:

  • Bicester heritage,
  • brand experience centre,
  • 344 bedroom hotel,
  • 4×4 training centre,
  • home of Motorsport UK,
  • the Bicester aerodrome,
  • the new technical site,
  • FAST (Future Automotive Speed and Technology Hub),
  • 141 The Command Works,
  • innovation hub.

In addition, mode transport planning provided:

  • access design and offsite junction design,
  • detailed analysis and breakdown of all visitors split across a variety of modes,
  • liaison and meetings with Oxfordshire County Council officers,
  • preparation of a report of a full transport assessment,
  • preparation of a comprehensive travel plan,
  • detailed discussion on S106,
  • outlining the site’s travel strategy, including the use of sustainable modes.

As a result, the application for the Bicester Heritage element of the site was approved in September 2017, followed by the Command Works (New Technical Site) in September 2019 and the Hotel in March 2020. Most recently, planning approval has been awarded for FAST via Virtual Committee on 16th July 2020. So consequently, the site is progressing.

Finally, mode continues to provide ongoing advice to Bicester Motion on this site.

project summary

Client: Bicester Motion
Location: Oxfordshire
Office: Birmingham
Status: Approved and Ongoing