mode transport planning has provided support across a range of sites in Chancerygate’s multi-unit industrial property development portfolio. These have included planning applications across the South West, South East, East Anglia, East Midlands and the North West, totalling in excess of 1,120,000sqft of new employment floor space.

Chancerygate is an industrial property and warehousing specialist focused on bringing high-quality schemes to the market in strategic locations throughout the UK to meet the demands of the growing urban logistics market.

Engaging effectively with various highway authority officers early in the process has assisted in helping secure full planning permissions with parking provision to suit a variety of occupiers across a blend of B1c, B2, B8 and trade counter use classes, without need for restrictive planning conditions for each land use. Officer perceptions surrounding traffic impact on the highway network have also been managed through the pre-application and planning application consultation processes; in doing so avoiding unwarranted highways mitigation.

mode has prioritised providing timely advice and input into the various planning applications and subsequent discharge of planning conditions, to keep pace with Chancerygate’s efficient development model; delivering market-ready sites from exchange to completion within a short space of time.

The following transport related elements have been key in mode supporting Chancerygate:

  • Coordinated liaison and meetings with various highway authorities;
  • Design support with access and layout designs;
  • Preparation of Transport Assessments and Framework Travel Plans; and
  • Continued post-submission support to arrive at positive planning outcomes.

Head of Project Management at Chancerygate, Anthony Hynes, stated about mode’s contribution to Chancerygate projects:

“We are very pleased with the service mode has been providing us across a number of our development sites. They have supported us in gaining various favourable planning permissions; often in challenging circumstances, where transport was considered a key aspect.”

Images courtesy of Chancerygate