mode transport planning is appointed to assist with the ongoing development and implementation of an ambitious Travel Plan for the Exemplar site.

Travel planning usually takes the format of providing information to future residents and employees and then monitoring progress at prescribed internals, but the ethos at Elmsbrook has been to build a community with champions to promote walking, cycling and electric vehicle use.

mode continues to work on the ground delivering the Travel Plan with the A2D Community Investment Team to ensure that residents and site visitors receive information and education on travel opportunities as well as organising events, training and workshops at regular intervals.

Recent monitoring at Elmsbrook has indicated that the development is taking a leading position in the roll out of electric vehicles, both in terms of vehicle ownership and home charging as well as provision for visitors.

This is an example of travel planning at its best with a community engaged in sustainable living. The ongoing work and engagement allows the mode team to develop and evolve travel planning as a process on all developments.

project summary

Client: A2Dominion Developments
Location: Bicester, Oxfordshire
Office: Reading
Status: Ongoing delivery