mode transport planning was appointed by Persimmon Homes to provide transport planning advice in support of a planning application for a new residential development at Larcombe Road, Petersfield in Hampshire.
The application was for major development within the National Park totalling 79 new dwellings (of which 40% will be affordable) on an area of previously undeveloped land situated adjacent to the existing residential area around Larcombe Road, Test Close and The Causeway on the Southern side of Petersfield.
mode’s transport related work included:
- a full transport assessment;
- junction capacity assessment of the existing Larcombe Road;
- detailed access strategy; and
- travel plan which seeks to reduce car movements to and from the site.
The application was approved by the SDNPA planning committee on Thursday 12th November 2015.
Image courtesy of Persimmon Homes
project summary
Client: Persimmon Homes
Location: Hampshire
Office: Reading
Status: Approved