Cherwell District Council appointed David Frisby to act as Expert Witness on highways matters on their behalf at a Planning Inquiry held in June 2016.

The Appeal was made against the decision of the District Council to refuse a planning application (2nd October 2015) for three new retail units (A1), three new cafes (A3), a new gym (D2) with associated parking, access and servicing.

The Appeal was dismissed on the grounds of traffic flow and safety, as well as character and appearance of the buildings.

The decision is of particular interest in relation to highways matters as the Inspector agreed that the highways impact of the proposals arising from cumulative congestion were severe under Paragraph 32 of National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and that the Appellant’s mitigation was deemed unsatisfactory.

The Inspector’s decision on APP/C3105/W/15/3137608 [ Land to the west of Oxford Road, Bicester ] can be reviewed in full here.