Jonathan Ogodo

MPlan (Hons)

Graduate Transport Planner


Graduate Transport Planner, Jonathan Ogodo, graduated from the University of Sheffield with a master’s in urban studies and planning. His degree included a year in industry at TfL, during which time, he gained experience with planning obligations and policy.

Since joining mode, Jonathan has been involved in various projects, gaining experience in construction logistics plans, travel plans, transport statements and transport assessments.

He is very interested in big transport projects and looking at the feasibility and viability of different options and which ones to take forward. He is also looking at developing his understanding of the economics of planning.

Outside of work, he enjoys going to the gym and swimming, multiple times a week. He is a big Manchester United fan. And he enjoys experiencing new places.

For more information please contact:

020 3848 9719



Working across the following industry sectors:

  • Residential
  • Retail